For many years, drivers argue about whether the engine needs to warm up before a trip? In the cold season in the old carbureted car one will not drive at once, without warming up: the mixture does not burn completely, the car jerks, it is hard to drive such a car, and it is not safe.
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The modern car, both gasoline and diesel, is much smarter than its predecessors: the electronics itself increases the flow of the fuel mixture during warm-up, and then gradually reduces the concentration. Most car manufacturers now explicitly write in the manual that warming up is not necessary, you can go on the road immediately. On the other hand, some experts express the opinion that such starts are detrimental to the condition of the engine. Let’s analyze when it is necessary to warm up the engine, and when it is possible to do without it?
Warming up stages
Engine warming up goes unevenly. Immediately after starting, the temperature of pistons, cylinders and head block increases. They are not heated instantly, so the initial period of time is detrimental to the engine – the heated piston slides on the still cold walls of the cylinder. If at this point to press energetically on the gas, there is a real danger of deformation of grooves in the cylinder, which eventually leads to decreased compression odisha discom and the gradual failure of the engine.
The coolant is gradually warming up – it is its temperature that we see on the gauge located on the dashboard. The engine oil, which during the time of parking the oil in the boat, heats up later. And at low temperature it becomes thick and its fluidity decreases. As a result, it turns out that the power unit for some time works in the mode of oil starvation and this increases its wear and tear.
From the ecological point of view it is necessary to take into account that a cold engine even at idling speed runs on an enriched mixture, which does not burn off completely. And the exhaust gas neutralizer also works effectively in a heated condition celeblifes. Therefore the first minutes the vehicle smells mercilessly.
Looking for a compromise
Pros and cons of different types of engine warming up were voiced more than once. We shall consider three variants of start after cold sleepover.
- We act as the instruction suggests: turn the ignition key and immediately drive. The engine feels all the disadvantages of a cold start, but there is still one plus – the engine warms up effectively when driving, so it is in the safe zone faster. In any case, it is necessary to start the movement accurately, without sharp jerks. Both sudden acceleration and slipping in the snow, which often happens when starting in winter, are contraindicated. It is dangerous to go immediately on a fast track and develop a high speed. Violation of these rules leads to increased wear not only wearfanatic of the engine, but also a number of other units and assemblies, in which the lubricant and other technical fluids are frozen.
- Warm up until the engine temperature is close to the operating temperature – about the green zone on the instrument scale. In the cold it is necessary to give to work for 15-20 minutes. It is a shame to lose time and to stomp at the car, also it is necessary to consider that all this time in an exhaust pipe flies out money! Idle revolutions are increased, and because of that the engine consumes more than usual. Again we should not forget about ecology: it is indecent to smoke the sky aimlessly, and in residential areas it is prohibited by traffic rules at all.
- The third option is a compromise between the first and the second. You wait for a minute or two, just enough time to have time to sweep the snow, clean the windows and headlights. Then we carefully move off, observing all recommendations stated in the first paragraph, and take our time following the route.
Opinion of engineer Kirill Yurovsky: a number of experiments have shown that it is the third, compromise variant, that is the most preferable. In this case, at the moment of start the engine oil is already a little warmed up and envelops the contacting surfaces. This approach increases the life of the engine. As for fuel consumption, the latter method is not the most economical and is slightly inferior to the first. However, the difference is insignificant even for small trips of 10-20 km. If the trip is longer, it is practically invisible.
A reasonable question: why the manufacturers tacitly allow “cold start” in car instructions? All because nobody wants to admit the possible engine damages – every brand thinks, that it has only reliable units under a hood. There is also little truth in words about “maintenance-free” gearboxes.
Overboard temperature
Asking the question, whether it is necessary to warm up the engine in winter, let’s clarify what temperature we are talking about. When the temperature is above zero, there is no sense to warm up the car, you can go on the road right away. Small negative temperatures imply action on the first (without warming up) or the third (with a short warming up) options.
At severe frosts, below -15-20°C, you cannot do without long warming up. And here the questions of comfort and safety become actual. The glasses of frozen car are covered with frost from people’s breath. Heating is not effective enough and does not solve the problem. There is, of course, an option: to drive in frosty weather with open windows. But it is extremely uncomfortable. Some cars are equipped with heated windshields, which make life easier. But even in this case the side windows are frozen, and to be in a frozen car is not especially pleasant. So, in a frost it is no longer about ecology and economy – it is necessary to warm up the car well. And it is better to activate internal air circulation and not to direct a warm stream to the windshield, since it may crack. Deciding the question: what temperature to warm up the engine in winter – keep in mind that it must be comfortable inside, and the glasses must not be covered with frost.
Abnormally cold weather is a separate topic of conversation. Technological fluids are getting thicker, and battery’s possibilities are decreasing. In general, there is nothing but torment. Experts believe that if the temperature drops below -30°C in Russia’s middle belt, it is better to refrain from driving.
Heavy fuel
The diesel engine of a car also has a number of nuances in operation. This is due to the fact that when the temperature drops, the paraffin contained in heavy fuel thickens. Paraffin clogs filters and nozzles, so the fuel supply is deteriorated or stopped completely. In the past, kerosene was added to fuel, but now special depressor additives are used to keep it from getting too thick. There are three types of fuel: summer, winter and arctic, with cloud points of -5°C, -25°C and -35°C respectively.
Also on sale are special antigels, which keep the paraffin from getting thicker.
In winter, owners of diesel vehicles should fill up at reliable gas stations and use only antiheat additives from well-known manufacturers. And before the onset of cold weather it is worth having a preventive checkup at a technical center. There may be different problems. For example, over several years of operation, water and other deposits may accumulate in the fuel tank. If water can be eliminated by special additives, then gelatinous deposits should be removed. The work is not easy, so it is better to entrust it to qualified craftsmen.
Gas equipment
Gas powered cars are more economical and environmentally friendly than their gasoline and diesel counterparts. However, these cars have disadvantages. One of them is the problem starting in frosts. Therefore, at subzero temperatures the engine of such cars is started with gasoline, and when the coolant warms up to 50°C, the engine is switched to gas. Modern LPG equipment makes life easier: just enter the parameters of critical outside temperature and the number to which the engine should warm up before switching to gas. That is all: smart electronics itself will track when winter comes to its understanding and will start behaving in accordance with the program laid down.