Paying bills is a task we all dread. Firstly you need to have the required finances but when that is sorted it’s a matter of actually getting down to paying the bill itself. According to research only as little as 3% of American bills are paid through mobile phones.
This gap provided a great opportunity for Los Angeles based Mobile App Startup Papaya since its inception in 2016 to provide a solution for a common everyday problem. First users need to download the Papaya App, install and open it.
Using the App
You can then create a profile and register with the app. As part of the registration process users must provide their bank details to the app. This information will be kept secure and confidential by the App Owners and never shared with others.
Having linked an active bank account through the Papaya Mobile App users can then begin to make their lives easier by settling paper-based bills in a matter of moments.
App users are invited to take the paper-based bill and having opened the Papaya App to simply scan the paper bill with their device’s camera.
The App then gets to work by converting the data captured through the device camera into a fully fledged payment option.
Papaya App users can then verify the details once more and just click on pay to immediately pay and settle any bill or invoice.
Making Life Easier
Paying and settling bills has always been seen as a chore by members of the public so technological innovations such as the Papaya App are always welcome, especially for the elderly or those having access difficulties. Let’s not forget anyone who wants to save time and money paying their bills.
The key success of this Mobile App is its artificial intelligence based ability to understand and recognise bills on invoice. The required payment information is captured and processed through the Papaya Mobile App and then the payment is settled automatically with no hassle or further inconvenience.
The App’s CEO recently showcased the App’s amazing ability to even gather payment information from a torn bill as well! This is no doubt great news for those who have had their bills soaked in the rain or damaged when opening the envelope even.
Universal Payments
The Papaya app and its abilities have evolved it into a true universal payment method because as long as the bill payer has an electronic payment method, anyone can submit payments through the Papaya app.
This App idea has its roots in Brazil where a similar payment technology already exists. Mobile App Developers such as Elegant Media also build fintech applications similar to this as well.
Android app development has progressed in leaps and bounds so the future is bright for consumers looking to make their lives easy, quick and simple.
In addition to making the life of bill payers much more simple and easier, the Papaya App also helps businesses of all sizes across all industries including national governments and municipalities get paid faster and more often.
Since the app’s early days when the founders had to promote the App by placing QR code stickers on windshields today the App processes payments for hundreds of thousands of businesses and organizations in addition to millions of users in the U.S.A.
Strength in its Diversity
Another unique feature of the Papaya App Company is that its 80 strong team is made up of 60% of underrepresented minorities, along with a 45% female product engineering team.
The App’s growth has been solely organic providing it with a relatively low customer acquisition cost.
On track to acquire 1 million new active users per year, the Papaya App is free for users and merchants and its revenue model is based on a percentage from bank interchange fees that merchants have to pay when they process credit cards.
The time has come to make bill payments seamless and less stressful, Let the Papaya App take care of all the details and all you have to do is take a picture of your bill and the app does the rest. This is the future of mobile app development.