Ultraviolet (UV) light is a form of electromagnetic radiation naturally found in sunlight. It makes up about 10% of all the total sunlight. Ultraviolet light (UV) is electromagnetic energy with wavelengths shorter than visible light but more than x-rays.
The wavelength of this light is between 10nm and 400nm. It can be divided into three sub-bands, UV-A (near), UV–B (“middle”), and UV–C (“far”).
The ultraviolet light with wavelengths lower than 290nm is considered “germicidal”. More details are below. Our atmosphere absorbs most of the ultraviolet-C and UVB radiation from the sun. It has wavelengths that are less than 290nm.
What Is Ultraviolet Disinfection Lighting?
It is believed that UV light with wavelengths lower than 290nm has “germicidal”, meaning it can kill germs. This light is often used to kill microbes in surfaces, air, and water.
How Do UV Disinfection Lights Work?
Ultraviolet light damages the DNA of cells and causes them to die. Exposure to specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation (light) modifies the DNA and causes them to stop reproducing. The UV energy causes the formation of certain thymine and cytosine dimers (in DNA) and uracil dimers (in RNA). This inactivates microorganisms’ ability to reproduce and alters their genetic material.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “UV light can kill any bacteria, even drug-resistant ones.” This is because the UV light is attacking the DNA of microbes. However, there are no reports of microbes showing an ability to resist light-based treatments.
UV Light Can Disinfect The Air, Water, And Surfaces?
Yes! Let’s Go Over Each One Separately.
There are many ways that UV-C Disinfectant Lighting can disinfect your air. UV-C lamps can be used in ceiling fixtures and HVAC systems to disinfect the air constantly. The shield on the lamp ensures that radiation does not reach people.
Surfaces are similar to using UV lighting to kill pathogens in materials, objects, or surfaces. The UV disinfection units must be turned on while someone is not in the room. A University study has shown that UV lighting can kill pathogens even in inaccessible corners or drawers.
UV light is a popular way to kill pathogens, especially in municipal water systems. This technology is used in municipal water treatment plants, as well as for wastewater treatment. Some people even use the technology in their home’s piping. It’s easy: place a UV light unit in the water for disinfection.
What Kinds Of Lamps Offer UV-C Disinfection Lighting For The Eyes?
There are two main types of commercially available lamps that can provide the UVC required to be germicidal. The commercially viable lamp provides the required UV-C intensity and dosages to disinfect larger areas or surfaces. Although other UV-C light sources, such as provide the necessary wavelengths of UV light, they cannot provide the level of intensity required to disinfect surfaces.
Most lamps are sold either as complete components of a disinfection system or as standalone lamps.
Lower Pressure Mercury Lamps
These lamps are similar in appearance and form to standard fluorescent lamps, but they do not contain fluorescent phosphor. Instead, UV-C lamps are made from fused quartz and not borosilicate. This allows the mercury arc light generated by the lamp’s mercury to travel through the glass without modification and generate light in the germicidal ultraviolet wavelength.
The Xenon arc lamp is a type of gas discharge lamp that produces light by passing electricity through the ionized gas.
Use flashes lasting just a few seconds of germicidal UV light every six seconds.
Pulsed UV light systems like pulsed xenon can combine the germicidal properties of UV-C illumination with the thermal disintegration and destruction of cell walls. The intensity of the photonic delivery controls them.